The purpose of the BSR Carer’s Grant is to enable parents and carers to attend conferences and other research schools, meetings or visits by making a supplementary contribution towards caring costs. The BSR will award up to £250.
Applicants must be a member of 9 months standing and may only apply for one carer’s grant in any 12-month period. You may apply for a travel grant simultaneously.
Submissions should include your name, position and organisation, and a short summary of the activity to be supported. Please explain how this activity will support your research and include a break-down of the projected costs.
Applications should be submitted at least 1 month prior to the activity. At most 4 grants will be granted per annum.
Payment of the award will be made on the receipt of a short report suitable for the Bulletin of the Society. Advance payment may be made in exceptional circumstances; please send enquiries to the Secretary.