Dr Claire McIlroy
Claire is an applied mathematician whose research centres around applying models of complex materials to industrial flow problems, in particular those encountered during printing. In 2017, Claire was awarded an independent research fellowship funded by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition for 1851, to study semi-crystalline polymer melts for additive manufacturing at the University of Nottingham with Dr. Richard Graham. Claire first became interested in additive manufacturing, commonly know as 3D printing, during a post-doc at Georgetown University (2015-2017), working with Prof. Peter Olmsted on a project in collaboration with Dr. Kalman Migler’s team at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). Prior to this, Claire completed her PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Leeds (2011-2014), under the supervision of Dr. Oliver Harlen and Prof. Mark Kelmanson. Claire’s thesis, entitled “Complex Inkjets: Polymer, Particles and Non-Linear Driving” was awarded the Vernon Harrison doctoral prize in 2015. This research formed part of a large multi-disciplinary EPSRC-funded project “Innovation in Industrial Inkjet Technology (I4T)”, comprised of Leeds, Durham and Cambridge Universities and nine-inkjet companies. During this time, Claire was awarded a 3-month David Crighton Fellowship by the University of Cambridge (2014), to work with Prof. John Hinch to study the effect of viscoelasticity in thin wire coatings.
email: [email protected]