British Society of Rheology Non-Newtonian Club Meeting
Wednesday September 6th 2023, 10:00-4:00
University of Warwick, School of Engineering
The Non-Newtonian Club (NNC) is an informal rheology discussion group which provides low-cost, half-day or one-day meetings with the aim of bringing together experienced and not-so-experienced rheologists from industry and academia. PhD students with an interest in rheology are particularly encouraged to attend, as it is you who are the future of our discipline.
The meeting is to cover any aspects of rheology presenters would like to share. We are still looking for a number of 15-25 minute presentations for the day. Please contact Richard Watson ([email protected]) to submit an abstract indicating your preferred presentation length.
There is no cost associated with attending, but prior registration is required. To register please email the organiser Richard Watson ([email protected])