Straining to Reach Beyond Steady Simple Shear

Advanced Techniques for Complex Fluid and Flow Field Characterisation

British Society of Rheology Mid-Winter Meeting, jointly organised with the Non-Newtonian Special Interest Group, featuring guest speakers

Monday 16th December - Wednesday 18th December 2024

The University of Sheffield, “Ideas Space”
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building, Portobello Street
Sheffield S1 3JD


Heavily subsidised registration for BSR student and retired members (£60)

Full programme to be posted on this page once registration closes

We are pleased to announce this year’s Mid-Winter Meeting is jointly organised with the UK’s Non-Newtonian Special Interest Group (SIG, Prof. Rob Poole and Prof. Alexander Morozov) in conjunction with Dr Richard Hodgkinson of the BSR.

We welcome Prof. Randy H Ewoldt (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) to give an invited in-person plenary lecture on “Nonlinear emergence in oscillatory and superposition flows”

This plenary lecture is kindly enabled through additional funding support from the EPSRC NFFDy (National Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics) hub. The BSR is also subsidising the MWM this year for the benefit of the rheology community.

Programme outline (note: longer than the standard MWM format, with lunch and afternoon sessions on the last day):

Monday 16th December:

Registration opens 11:30am, followed by lunch

“Strain rate measures, flow type classifiers and flow type models” (afternoon only)

(strain rates seem a simple concept, but if your flow has shear and extension [accelerating/being squashed], and is perhaps rotating around a corner, it is non-trivially difficult to measure the "shear" and "extension" rates separately - yet our rheometers have apparently well defined flows. What's the issue, and can we find a solution for this critical area to real world complex flows?)

Tour of The University of Sheffield TBC

Tuesday 17th December: 

“Non-linear, non-steady, oscillatory and superposition flows” (all day)

(an intentionally broad session covering development and exemplar application of novel rheology techniques beyond steady simple shear. e.g. oscillatory measurements [probing the time dependency and elasticity of your material]; non-linear rheology, when large strains are applied to a material; and more advanced approaches such as superposed straining, the application of multiple directions or types of strains simultaneously to better understand complex flows or probe how an imposed flow affects a material])

Evening meal at Piccolino, 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Wednesday 18th December: 

“Extensional flows” (all day)

(a dedicated session for extensional flows: a challenging but critically important area of rheology in, for example, polymer processing flows and jetting applications, but many other materials and processes too)

Aiming to finish for 4:00pm, event closes no later than 4:30pm

Invited keynote speakers include (titles where finalised, others to be added in due course):

  • Roney Leon Thompson (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) "The Concept of the Persistence of a Dynamic Quantity and its Relation to Flow Classification" (remote talk)
  • Paulo Oliveira (Universidade da Beira Interior)
  • Helen Wilson (UCL) "Probing the rheology of a suspension of flat elastic particles through simulations"
  • Phil Threlfall-Holmes (TH Collaborative Innovation)
  • Manlio Tassieri (The University of Glasgow) "i-Rheo: One Small Step (Strain) in Rheology, One Giant Leap for Multiscale Viscoelastic Characterization"
  • Daniel Curtis (Swansea University)
  • Thomas Abadie (University of Birmingham)
  • Henry Ng (The University of Liverpool)
  • Claudio Fonte (The University of Manchester)
  • Simon Haward (OIST)
  • Oliver Harlen (University of Leeds)

We will also feature our two annual award lectures:

  • The BSR Annual Award Lecture: Ian Frigaard (University of British Columbia)
  • The Vernon Harrison Award Lecture: Matthew Smith (University of Glasgow)

Pastries for the morning coffee sessions are kindly sponsored by Anton Paar (Tuesday) and TA Instruments (Wednesday). Our poster prize (£150) is sponsored by the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.

Registration fees 

Note: Please see information re evening meal choices below before proceeding to registration. Please only register one person at a time, repeat checkout for additional attendees. If you have a +1 for the evening meal (who will need to pay in person), please let us know on the registration form "Please detail any special requirements for the evening meal" box so we can assess total seating requirements.

BSR Student or retired member (requires sign in)£60
BSR Member (requires sign in)£135

The registration fee covers event tea/coffee sessions, event lunches and the evening meal on the Tuesday. If you wish to attend for less than the full event, please contact the event organiser. Whilst we encourage in-person attendance to get the most from the event, registration is free for those presenting remotely.

Note: member rates are available immediately for new members. The membership cost is £27 for one year.

Registration closes Monday 2nd December 5pm UK time. Accepted posters and talks will be notified as soon as possible after this date.

Contact the organiser: Richard Hodgkinson [email protected]

Discounted Mid-Winter meeting hotel

Discounted rates have been arranged with the Leopold Hotel Sheffield (2 Leopold Street, Leopold Square, Sheffield, S1 2GZ) for the Mid-Winter Meeting. This is valid for the nights of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th of December, for £89.00 sole occupancy of a double room per night including full buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi and VAT. A code to access this discounted rate will be provided by email on MWM registration. This code only applies for a minimum of a two night stay.

Booking should be made directly with the hotel ( and full payment is required. Cancel prior to 28 days before arrival with full refund, cancellation within 28 days of arrival no refunds. All bookings are subject to availability. Reservations team: (0)114 2524000.

Meeting dinner

The MWM dinner is at Piccolino Sheffield (4 Millennium Square, Sheffield S1 2JJ), an Italian restaurant, Tuesday evening 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Menu choices are required in advance via the registration form and the menu is given below. If your meal carries a supplement fee, please add the necessary additional charge(s) alongside your event registration selection below. Please note that given the BSR subsidy of the MWM and the longer than usual MWM format, complimentary table wine is not being offered. 


If driving, please note there are a number of one way streets and tram lines near the venue and parking in University car parks for MWM attendees is unfortunately not possible. We and the Leopold Hotel recommend the Q-Park on Rockingham Street ( - please see the Leopold Hotel pages about parking if you are a guest). If travelling by train, the venue is about a 25 minute walk from the station or is served by trams, the blue route towards Malin Bridge being the simplest. The Leopold Hotel is also situated close to the same tram route. Local taxis are available from Veezu Sheffield (0114 239 3939).

Book tickets

Ticket Cost Quantity
BSR members (in-person) £135.00 Members only
BSR Student or retired member (in-person) £60.00 Members only
Evening meal supplement: £15 (COSTATA DI MANZO) £15.00
Evening meal supplement: £2.50 (FORMAGGI) £2.50
Evening meal supplement: £5 (FILETTO DI MANZO) £5.00
Keynote/award/remote presenter Free
Non-BSR members (in-person) £165.00

You must be logged in as a member to book member tickets. Become a member.

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